Tuesday, May 25, 2004

A Dream...

Today's Dream..

It’s 4 in the morning.. and it’s the usual story with me.. “Can’t Sleep”. I’m starting to wonder how long will I really be able to do this job. It sure has stuffed up my sleeping pattern. Working late nights was never a problem for me, but rotating shifts hammers your body’s ability to adopt to the changes. By the time the body is used to the new sleep pattern, the shifts change.

Anyway, enough of that whinging. Just before I woke up, I was dreaming about my old school where I studied for two and half years. The school was called “Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya”. In my dream, I was back in the hostel of the school for some sort of training.. and when I woke up, I kinda wished that I was there.. not because it was so good that I want to go back there, but because I wish it is now worth going back to. When I left the school, it was in a condition that I’ve never wanted to visit the school again, not even to pick up my stuff, my dad did that for me.

Ammm.. well, don’t have much else to talk about. I have put some new photos up on the photos page. Apparently that’s the page that people visit more than any other on this site. But anyway, have a look if you want to. Talk to you guys later..


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