If we had joked any more or laughed any louder, someone would’ve ended up in the hospital with broken bones. An no doubt I already have stomach cramps from laughing too much. Yes.. that’s how much fun we had. It was a complete coincident that my friend from New York was also in Punjab at the same time as me.. which mean that all four of my collage friends were there. It was the first time in 7 years that five of us sat together to. The evening was unbelievable. It felt like we were living a day from our collage life. The only difference was the occasional talk about our lives today.. and how they are different from the collage days and that the jokes about married life were a bit different. It’ll sound strange that although five of us have been close friends for about 10 years, this February was the first time we had a photo taken together. Well, we spent memorable days together in collage, and now we have a few photos to commit to that memory.
Here's a photo from this get-together of us five:
Here's a photo from this get-together of us five:

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