Monday, September 25, 2006

And God said.. 'Let there be War..!"

War on Terror, War on terrorists, or just a bloody war..?
Im not sure if America, Britain and their so called allies are fighting a war on terrorism or just the terrorists. I’m not sure because I don’t think the administrations of these countries are sure themselves. I have two reasons for saying this.

Firstly, how can the world politicians claim they are fighting terrorism when they can’t even agree on what exactly is ‘terrorism’. Not long ago, the world leaders met (something to do with some organisation called UN) to pledge their dislike for terrorists and pledge that they will fight them together. Don’t you think it’s funny that these people were pledging to fight terrorism together when in the same meeting, they couldn’t agree on a definition of terrorism?

Secondly I think is the recent report issued collectively by a group of all 16 major intelligence agencies in the US. The study states that the threat of terrorism has increased after war in Afghanistan and Iraq. It also states that the Islamic fundamentalism which is seen as the cause of most of the terror around the world these days has increased after the Iraq war. Yet American propaganda will have you believe that it’s wining the war on terror.

I think America, Britain, Australia and the likes are all in denial. Denial that Iraq was a the biggest bungle-up of the 21st century. In spite of the report I mentioned above, I heard Tony Blair on radio yesterday.. completely missing the point. Instead of addressing the issue, he was going on about how it’s not the British Army that’s killing all these people in Iraq and elsewhere today. It’s the terrorists. Well of course it’s not the British Army. And that’s the whole point the report is making.. that the terror has increased around the world. Believe me.. Tony Blair has lost it..!
Admission of our errors is the first step in correcting them. It appears however that the denial of people who are supposedly on war with terrorism will stand in the way of logical thinking. America and Britain along with all their allies came up with a pile of alligation against Iraq to build up a case for war. Soon after the war supposedly finished, all those reasons went walking and in came a whole new excuse.. all these world leaders, instead of admitting their failure in reading the intelligence started talking about how they have liberated Iraq. Well that's not what they said before the war..! But anyway, all that is old and perhaps irrelevant now. What is relevant however is that whatever their intentions might have been, and even if we were to believe that they intended good for everyone, their methods were wrong. They don’t agree on what terrorism is, but even if we agreed that unknowingly they are in fact fighting terrorism.. their methods are far from effective. And that’s what this new report goes to prove.
Learn people learn.. we aren’t doing ourselves any favours here.

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